Super Bowl Injury Report and Prediction

Well, the last game of the 2012-13 season is officially upon us and, to be quite honest, I couldn’t be more disgusted with the outcome (I take that back. If you’d have replaced the 49ers with the Giants, then I’d probably boycott the game altogether). The stench of the Patriots performance in the AFC championship two weeks ago has already worn off now that I’ve had time to realize that the better and hotter team definitely won that game. However, there’s just a little something about the Ravens that I dislike, almost as if their hatred for all things Patriots has crossed over into an irrational zone, as if they hate the Patriots because they’ve convinced themselves that they have to. But one positive that’s come out of this most recent Pats-Ravens battle is that it feels like rivalries are slowly beginning to creep back into the NFL, something we haven’t had quite as much over the last decade.

While we’ve had Brady-Manning and Ravens-Steelers over the last decade, both of those rivalries are more natural in nature, with the 2 best QBs at the time facing each other every year and the Ravens and Steelers being division foes. This Pats-Ravens rivalry is a bit different in that it’s developed strictly based on their regular season and playoff meetings, with no other correlation between the two teams. And with Ed Reed speaking to the media yesterday about entertaining the idea of playing for the Pats next year, this rivalry may just be beginning to spread its wings.

Now on to the big game. Let’s take a quick look at each team and touch on some key or nagging injuries that could play a role on the outcome of the game.

Baltimore Ravens:

Dannell Ellerbe (P): There shouldn’t be much limitation Sunday, as he was able to play in the AFC Championship without looking too hindered by his sprained ankle. He was quoted at media day saying that there’s no way he doesn’t play and that if he played in the AFC Championship, it means he’s playing in the Super Bowl. By all accounts, it appears to be a relatively mild to moderate ankle sprain, more of the garden variety than anything to be overly concerned about. I’d expect he’s received a ton of treatment on it over the last two weeks and having that extra week off more than likely did wonders for the irritability levels he may have had otherwise. And with any inflammatory condition (like a sprain), rest is typically the most important and hardest thing to come by, which he’s had more than enough time for this past 1 1/2 weeks. I’d expect him to be pretty close to a full go on Sunday.

Ed Reed (P): He’s had chronic shoulder and neck issues, with the shoulder being more of the issue at this point. But it seems that calling it an “issue” is overstating it. He’s an older player who’s earned the right to rest and sit out practices in an effort to keep him as fresh as possible. There are no indications whatsoever that he’s even limited by this in the slightest. Expect him to be 100% on Sunday, or as close to 100% as a 34 year old safety in his 11th season can be.

Dennis Pitta (P): Listed as having a “thigh” injury, this usually indicates that it’s either a thigh contusion or a quadriceps strain, either of which would require rest/soft tissue mobilization/stretching/modalities to help decrease the flare up. It’s essentially all about limiting inflammation within the tissue so that the muscle/joint can function as optimally as possible. The days off he was given last week are more precautionary than anything else, a luxury at this point of the season. In Pitta’s case, I wouldn’t expect this to limit him too much and think he’ll be just fine come Super Bowl Sunday.

Ray Lewis (P): Well, he’s got his deer and antler juice, so he’s good to go right? (j/k) (kind of). In all seriousness, him and Justin Smith (see below) are basically in the same boat. The bracing they wear is what allows them to continue to play at a high level. Without the bracing, I can’t see a scenario where Lewis or Smith play the way they’ve been playing. Both guys will have surgery in the offseason, at which point they should make pretty healthy recoveries. For this game in particular, expect Lewis to be just fine, using the last few games as a guideline for what to expect. And if he takes a shot of deer juice prior to the game, he’ll be EVEN better.

San Francisco 49ers:

Aldon Smith (P): No worries about his shoulder, as he returned to practice Wednesday and is in no danger of missing the biggest game of his career. He’s had a few nagging injuries in the last few weeks, but seems to be more limited by whether Justin Smith is out there or not rather than his own injuries. No worries on the injury front here.

Ahmad Brooks (P): He was diagnosed with a grade 1 AC joint sprain, which is a sprain of the very end of the collar bone and the bony prominence on the end of the scapula. The good thing about this diagnosis is the “grade 1” part of things, which means it’s just a mild sprain without too much damage to the ligaments that hold the joints together (Remember, sprains happen to ligaments, strains happen to muscles). He’s gotten treatment on it the last two weeks and returned in a limited fashion to practice on Wednesday. This shouldn’t limit him much at all for Sunday’s contest.

Justin Smith (P): Let’s start off by saying he’s not 100% and he’s playing. Ok, now that that’s out of the way, just know that the bracing he wears around his injured elbow does basically two things: 1, it protects the triceps muscle that’s torn from going into ranges of motion that place the most strain on it, essentially locking it into a safe range of motion. 2, it provides stability to the elbow joint to allow it to take on force without worrying about instability. So he will continue to wear the brace and continue to play at a pretty high level, which solidifies the 49ers’ D-line immensely.

49ers (-3.5) vs Ravens:

So now that the injury news is out of the way, how is the game going to play out? In all honesty, this is a tough game to call because we have one team that’s been consistently great all season long (49ers) and one team that’s just on a roll right now (Ravens). Throw in the fact that Colin Kaepernick has 9 games of video to scout in the NFL and that no one has shown the ability to slow down this Pistol offense AND with the Ray-Lewis-Is-Retiring hoopla, it really is difficult to predict what’s going to happen. How do I see it playing out?

I think the big storyline on the field is how the older, slower Ravens D will try to stop the running QB and dominant running game of the 49ers. The Ravens have a unique way of modifying their defensive schemes to whoever they’re playing, regardless of the style of play. They’ve beat two dominant QBs in back to back games and do a great job of limiting big plays down the field. But they’ve played only 1 game this year against a running QB (12/9/12) against the Redskins and RGIII, at which point they were beaten in OT after RGIII left the game with his now-infamous knee injury. My sign of how a team handles a running QB is how that defense handled the running back. If the running back goes off, it shows that the D may be either putting way too much focus on stopping the QB of a read-0ption offense or they just can’t stop the run altogether. Alfred Morris ran for 129 yards and a TD that day, which bodes well for Frank Gore, LaMichael James, and the 49ers running attack. Granted, the Ravens weren’t very good stopping the run all season, but again, when a team is very hot like the Ravens are, all numbers get thrown out the window. But I do see Kaepernick and the 49ers’ rushing attacking having a good day against this slower Ravens D.

On the other side of the ball, the Ravens must do a good job of establishing a running game early on or else Joe Flacco’s deep ball off a play fake won’t do any damage. I think the Ravens have a big enough O-line to have some success against the Niners, but the 49ers’ front seven is as good as it gets, so it won’t come easy. I think Flacco will have a solid game based on the fact that he’s just be unstoppable these days and seems to be really hitting his stride, so I won’t bet against him having a good game Sunday.

So what happens? I see the Ravens being overwhelmed athletically early on with the dynamic 49ers offense, falling behind and abandoning the running game, and putting the entire game on Flacco’s shoulders. And although I see Flacco throwing a couple TDs and moving the ball well downfield, I also see him doing one thing that he’s not done at all this postseason: Turn the ball over. I think he throws 1-2 INTs against this opportunistic 49ers defense, which will be the deciding factor in the 4th quarter. Final score: 49ers 27, Ravens 21

And now a couple fun predictions:

Coin flip: Heads

1st scoring play: David Akers field goal

Longest play of the game: >40 yard pass to Michael Crabtree

MVP: Colin Kaepernick

Enjoy the game folks!! Go Pats!! (oh, wait, you’re saying they’re not there this year? ya, nevermind then)

Initial Reactions to Week 12 Injuries

As a way to make it up to you all (all 3 of you) for not posting this AM to prep you for the Week 12 slate, I’m going to do a quick rapid fire post on my initial thoughts about some important and significant injuries this weekend as we near the fantasy playoff season. 

Andre Brown: Initial thoughts are that he fractured his fibula, which is obviously a big time injury. I’ve talked in the past about how fibular fractures’ prognosis differ depending on the sport or activity level of the individual ( In Brown’s case, my first thought is that you can basically say goodbye to him contributing to your team for the 2012 fantasy season. 4 weeks (absolute, 100% best case scenario, and it’s still a long shot) puts us in Week 16, which is most people’s fantasy championship. Do you have the luxury of saving his roster spot just in case? If you don’t need his spot, by all means hang onto him. But I think his fantasy season is done. David Wilson is your pickup if you need the help.

Kendall Hunter: He suffered an ankle injury in the win over the Saints today. Not sure the extent of the injury and whether it’s a high ankle sprain/ankle sprain/fracture/midfoot injury/etc, but regardless, with him not returning to the game, the thought is that he’ll probably at least be out 1-2 weeks. The sneaky pickups become LaMichael James and/or Brandon Jacobs, who could both step in to spell Frank Gore should Hunter be out for a short or extended period of time.

Greg Jennings: I know he didn’t get hurt during Week 12, but he was so close to returning this week before the Pack ultimately decided to give him the inactive label. My expectation is that he’ll be back out there Week 13 and should be very valuable moving forward as the playoffs near. Besides a Week 15 tilt against Da Bears, he has very favorable match ups moving forward. I expect him to be healthy and ready to finish off the 2012 campaign with a bang.

Julio Jones: He looked pretty great today, running relatively smoothly and didn’t appear to have any setbacks throughout the course of the game. Remember, it’s a short week, with the Falcons playing the Saints on Thursday night. But with as good as he looked out there and Matt Ryan throwing the ball to the right team this week, expect Jones to be a bit closer to 100% on Thursday.

**My one caveat with short weeks: Just because you look good on Sunday doesn’t mean you’ll look even better the next time out. With any injury, a lot of guys can gut it out and get through the game unscathed. However, soreness following games (24-48 hours) is very, very common and is often expected when bouncing back from injuries. Always, always, always monitor status updates during the week and make sure he’s participating in practice to make sure he’ll play when Thursday rolls around.

Chicago Bears D/ST: With both Charles Tillman and Lance Briggs leaving Sunday’s game with injuries, keep an eye on how significant these injuries are. Tillman himself is responsible for 184 turnovers this year (rough estimate) and Briggs is key on run defense, which is a huge strength of this Bears’ D. Tillman was seen leaving the stadium in a walking boot, but this can absolutely be precautionary until more testing is done, so don’t read too much into that. Briggs left with a thumb injury, and unless it’s a fracture or a significant tendon/ligament tear, I can’t imagine he misses time. Wait and see with both of these guys.

Anyone Who Suffered a Concussion/Head Injury: Protocol for return to play will determine when these guys will come back. Teams and the league have done a great job of being cautious with these guys, so wait and see if they pass their IMPACT testing and are cleared by an Independent Neurologist prior to inserting anyone back into your lineup.

Setting Your Week 11 Lineup

Sorry kids, it’s been a busy week. Check out my Week 11 Injury Report over at for all the insights for the week. They also do a fantastic job of putting together weekly rankings and analyzing add/drop trends. Click the link below for all the details. Be back next week with a weekend recap and to get you ready for a Thanksgiving Thursday chalk full of games!


Week 10 Injury Updates: Set That Lineup

With breaking news that both Percy Harvin and Aaron Hernandez are going to be out this week, some owners are left scrambling for fill-ins. While Harvin’s absence doesn’t surprise me (I think he’s got a two to three week time line), Hernandez missing this game is a bit shocking. He’s had two full weeks of rest and seemed primed to come out of the bye completely healthy. This screams one thing to me: setback in practice. My guess is he reaggravated the ankle during practice this week, causing him to take a step or two back. We’ll keep an eye out for both guys for week 11, but let’s talk a bit about the guys who are slated to play this week and what you should expect to see.

Calvin Johnson: He’s an absolute stud, so he’ll play. He had a great week 9, even though he still appears limited. Expect him to draw a ton of attention, even more so if Titus Young doesn’t play. That nerve injury he spoke about early in the week? Don’t worry about it, as he seems to have bounced back from that. Watch out for any signs of discomfort in the knee, which has plagued him for weeks.

CJ Spiller: He reappeared on the injury report with a shoulder issue, which stems from the separated shoulder he suffered earlier in the season. It’s not out of the ordinary for him to have some shoulder soreness after an injury like that, but it’s disconcerting that he’s popped back up on the injury report. Expect him to play this week, but any setback when his shoulder is a bit vulnerable could be a weeks-long issue.

Marshawn Lynch: Back, wrist, whatever it is, he practiced fully on Friday, so there’s no risk for him missing this week. He’s a gamer, so expect him to produce.

Guys who are banged up, but shouldn’t be limited:
Adrian Peterson (just caught a cold, he’ll be good), Lesean McCoy (same as AP), Law Firm (sensing the illness theme?), Willis McGahee (knee soreness), Mikel Leshoure (ankle, showed no limitations at all), Frank Gore, Jamaal Charles, Dez Bryant (hip appears to have calmed down quite a bit, he looks ready to go), Eric Decker (full practice Thurs/Fri), Demaryius Thomas (knee soreness), Rob Gronkowski (don’t even think about sitting him), Jerome Simpson (I like him as a deep sleeper this week, so why not give him the kiss of death as my SLEEPER O THE WEEK)

Banged up, possibly limited, but will play:
Ahmad Bradshaw (he hasn’t been the same recently, basically since playing the Niners in week 6, he’ll play, but limit your expectations), Andre Brown (seems like he has a shoulder sprain, possibly similar to CJ Spiller, will play, but could be bothered), Felix Jones (limited more because he kind of sucks, knee issue seems to be almost past him), Any non-Issac-Redman-Steelers-RB (I still dont trust Mendenhall’s Achilles issue, he’s a walking risk right now, Dwyer is probable, but Quad strains are tough to push through), Steve Johnson (I almost put him in the above section, but he did look a bit limited last week, so he goes here, great matchup though)

Banged up, definitely not the same:
Hakeem Nicks (poster child for this section, he says all the right things and practices fully, but these flare ups in his knee are pretty problematic, more so because they keep coming back, knee swelling itself isn’t the main issue but can be indicative of an underlying pathology, I wouldn’t blame you if you sat him until he showed something), Danny Amendola (I think it’s one week too soon, I could be totally wrong, but it seems too soon to me from such a freak injury)

Out fo sho:
Alshon Jeffery (still trying to work back from a broken hand, next week seems likely), Darren McFadden (high ankle sprain, 2-3 weeks at least in my book), Antonio Brown (possibly same as McFadden, didn’t look as serious though), DeMarco Murray (next week possible, don’t know for sure until he gets some practice time on his sprained foot), Darren Sproles (hand surgery two weeks ago, expect him back at the low end of the initial timeline, 4 weeks).

TNF 49ers vs Seahawks: Who to sit, Who to start


49ers defense: This is a proud unit, and a unit that was embarrassed by the Giants just 4 days ago. All of their key guys are healthy and with a hungry unit playing against a rookie QB at home, I say you always lean towards the veteran group. I see the D producing a couple turnovers and completely shutting down the Seahawks’ run game

Michael Crabtree: If there’s one thing I learned watching that Pats-Seahawks game in person, it’s that the most targeted guy on the team can absolutely get his, as Wes Welker did last week. Crabtree and Alex Smith have developed some nice chemistry, and with Crabtree seeming to be healthy and very involved with the offense, I think he leads the team in targets again.

Vernon Davis: After watching how often Aaron Hernandez and Rob Gronkowski got open this past Sunday, with Hernandez scoring a touchdown, someone as physically dominant as Davis should be able to create separation. I feel like out of all the positions on the Seahawks great defense, linebacker seems to be the weakest point. If Davis gets a lot of LB coverage on him tonight, he’s much too athletic for pretty much any LB to keep up with. Look for him to have a solid day today. And remember, Seattle’s defense is fantastic against the run, so expect more throwing the ball today.

Seattle Defense: Although I have a couple guys from the Niners offense in my start section, I think their production will be more from catches/yardage and less from scoring plays. I expect this to be a relatively low scoring game, somewhere in the high teens/low twenties. And Seattle’s defense is healthy, while Alex Smith is dealing with his finger issue on his throwing hand (still bothering him, not a huge concern, but it must be tough gripping and have complete control when your finger is swollen/painful) and Mario Manningham limited by shoulder issue (he was wearing the non-contact jersey up to Tuesday’s practice, he’s expected to play, but a game-time decision). Look for the opportunistic Seahawks D to force a couple turnovers (did you see Alex Smith against the Giants) and hold the 49ers to <25 points.


Marshawn Lynch: I know it’s hard to bench someone of his caliber, but if the Pats D can completely stop the Seahawks’ run game, what do you think the 49ers D is going to do to it?? I’d have him relatively low on the list this week, as I personally don’t think the Seahawks will score more than 13 points in this game. His back has been pretty good the last couple weeks, so it doesn’t seem like he’s limited at all injury-wise, but this just seems to be a terrible match up for Mr. Lynch.

Frank Gore: See Lynch, Marshawn above. And replace 49ers with Seahawks. Not looking like a big day on the ground with either team today.

Russell Wilson: Rookie QB, on the road, coming of a super emotional high with a big comeback victory against the Pats, playing against one of the best defenses in the league? This has bench written all over it. Sit him