Maurice Jones Drew

Word came out today that he has just a sprain of the midfoot. That’s a very vague term and, although it’s nice to know that there isn’t something potentially more serious going on (Fracture, Lisfranc Injury, etc), it’s still a bit worrisome because these types of injuries do not heal quickly. The importance of the midfoot is well documented, as it not only provides stability in the arch of the foot to allow dynamic motions to be performed, it also helps transfer forces from the calf/lower leg to the forefoot.

Why is this important?? Think about anytime you run and feel yourself propel your body forward off the balls of the feet, pushing forward forcefully: That happens because of the force output from the calf musculature transferring to the forefoot. Also, the calf acts as a decelerator during fast, quick motions and “juke” moves, so having instability in the midfoot can be very problematic for someone like MJD because he’s both powerful and elusive at the same time, which is what makes him as great as he is.

My gut reaction to this news is that it could mean he misses a few weeks, possibly 3-4. But based on the fact that he needed a second opinion and they initially thought he could have a Lisfranc Injury, I’d bet he’ll be out longer. I like Rashard Jennings in his stead for only one reason: He’s going to get carries. But remember, that Jaguars offense is horrendous and Jennings is not MJD, not even close to it. So I think this is the time to use depth at other positions to throw some trade offers out there to other guys in your league. As an MJD owner in one of my leagues, I know I’ll be doing that today.

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